The old gentleman said, "To learn from the scriptures means not to be afraid of difficulties, but to show the sincerity of the Tang Priest and to show that Buddhism can cross the ridge in the sky. Is it the right time to go around?"

Wu heard that the old gentleman was right, and he also knew that learning from the scriptures bypassed Qi Tianling, but he didn’t know whether he should tell the old gentleman about the Yin and Yang gods and apes. The old gentleman added, "There are ventilation apes and exorcise sacred apes in Qitianling. Is it […]

Now the other party should have been suspicious, so much vital qi perfusion can’t dispel their own body magic gas, which is obviously a big problem

If you reveal the details of this magic gas land again, your true identity is simply vividly portrayed in each other’s eyes. Chapter two hundred and thirteen The same moves are effective for the big ye Guigu Mountain, Guiwang Cave, where the Guiwang Bodhisattva is closed. Flocks of all kinds of flying insects are safely […]

"Little Frog, when you said Tianmen the next time, it was January, and now it’s been twenty days, and there’s not much left when you look at it."

The green frog jumped out and blinked his eyes and said, "The master is not worried. Although this time it is very dangerous, there are many fools on the earth. Just take more as scapegoats." Well, this guy is not a kind frog either. Think about it and you will know that heaven can be […]